Friday 5 November 2010

MOJO Magazine Analysis: Double Page Spread

Done on the 5th November 2010

This double page spread has been mostly taken up by the image of Bob Marley, as it takes up three quarters of the double page spread. This maybe because Bob Marley’s   images are rarely seen as stated on the front cover. Therefore only roughly a quarter of this page has been given for editorial text. These pages have used a variety of different fonts. They have used different fonts for the headline, sub headings and copy. On this particular spread they have used black, red, green, yellow & white but they have still stick to the red, black and white theme. The colours red, green and yellow represents the colours of Jamaican flag; this is also symbol of reggae music.

The article title ‘High Times’ gives off a double meaning, the first meaning could be him getting high literally as he is smoking a spliff in the picture. Whereas on the other hand it could mean high times in his life, his best moments.

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