Thursday 16 December 2010

Main Task: Double Page Spread Examples

I liked the way this double page spread was laid out as the image of Bashy took up one page, so most of the text is on the left page. 

I liked the way this double page spread was laid out as the image of Giggs and Tinchy Stryder took up the half of the right, so most of the text is on the left page and the rest is underneath the image.

For my double page spread  I think that I will use a similar layout to this.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Main Task: Contents Page Examples

This is the contents page from RWD magazine. I liked the way it is laid out as its simple but effect, so I decided to use the same style when creating my magazine.

Main Task: Front Cover & Double Page Spread Images

Here are the images I took for the front cover of the magazine. I took various shots of the artist so I would have a variety. I also took pictures with him in different clothing so it gives me a better chance of getting the most appropriate picture for the front cover.

Main Task: Masthead Designs

Before I started to create my magazine I had to decide on my masthead. I went through a few possible names for the magazine.  Finally I decided on using ‘Wavey’. I decided to create my masthead in Photoshop CS4. I started to experiment with different fonts and colours as I wasn’t sure on what colour scheme I wanted. I then decided to use the font Amsterdam Graffiti as this seemed suitable for the look I was going for. I then added a star behind the ‘a’ in the text and made the text blue, as you can see below: